Our vision

Empowering children and young people through arts and culture in Leeds.

Our mission

Leeds33 enables the city to harness the power of arts and culture, empowering every child and young person to flourish. Through transformative cultural partnerships and programmes, children and young people will have ownership and agency of their own cultural learning. 

Our story

Leeds33 (formerly known as LeedsCEP) was established in September 2017 in response to Arts Council England’s Cultural Education Challenge and is part of a national network of Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs).

LCEPs are a partnership of arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions, local authorities and other stakeholders committed to developing cultural learning opportunities for children and young people in their local area. They exist across the country in different local authorities and respond to local needs and contexts.

Leeds33 works strategically to drive a joined-up cultural offer locally, to share resources and to bring about a more coherent, visible, cultural education offer for children and young people in the city. We have a wide and growing membership of organisations through our mailing list, from across the cultural, education, and community sectors which cover all geographical areas of Leeds.

Why we're here

Our priorities

Youth voice

We work to ensure that young people’s voice is a key part of decision-making in the development of creative education opportunities. We will shape effective policy planning by raising the profile of young people’s perspectives and creative education needs.

Advocacy and comms

we look to create an evidence-based case for cultural education, and will use this to advocate to decision-makers and stakeholders in Leeds. We’re also raising awareness and removing barriers to Leeds’ cultural education offer, by developing targeted work where engagement is low, and providing targeted information for schools and young people on the cultural offer in the city.

Health and wellbeing

We support cross-sector information exchange, networking, professional development and other initiatives which support health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people through engagement with arts and culture.

Progression and skills

we look to support programmes that identify, nuture and retain young people’s creative talent in the city and address current barriers to cultural education progression from early years through to higher education. We work together to develop better practice in creative and cultural learning in schools and support progression and talent development for young people into creative careers.

How we collaborate

Leeds33 is a membership network that is governed by a Steering Group and Executive Group. Anyone can become a member of Leeds33 by registering to our mailing list.


By signing up the mailing list and becoming a member, you will monthly newsletters updating you on cultural and creative work in the city for children and young people. We share information on interesting projects and initiatives, members’ news, policy information, CPD opportunities as well as opportunities for funding, jobs and partnership events. Occasionally, we may send additional emails to share news of exciting projects and opportunities. Members can become more actively involved in our Priority Pods.

Priority Pods

Our Priority Pods are led by Pod Leads, who feed into the Leeds33 Steering Group. There are four Pods that drive forward key areas of work within the following areas: Youth Voice, Advocacy and Comms, Health and Wellbeing, Progression and Skills. These groups meet online between appropriately six times a year. If you are interest in joining a Pod, please get in touch.

Steering Group

Comprising of approximately 12-15 members, the Steering Group draws on expertise from the cultural sector, education sector, community, local authority and creative industries. We try and ensure there is diverse representation to reflect the communities of Leeds and that specialist knowledge and experience across the sectors is brought into our work. Our Steering Group meets every 8 – 12 weeks.

Executive Group

As well as our Steering Group, we have a small Executive Group who oversee the Leeds33 member of staff. We also have an Independent Chair, Dr Briony Thomas, who is part of the Executive Group and chairs our Steering Group. This is a voluntary role. Briony is also Associate Professor of Design Science at the University of Leeds.

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