LEEDS 2023: Youth Voice Toolkit

As part of the LEEDS 2023 Year in Culture, the Youth Development programme engaged young people aged 8 – 30 years old through a range of ambitious youth voice and skills development offers. From podcasting and journalism to co-designing festival activities, the programme offered opportunities to try new things, develop new skills and shape creative activities.

This resource combines recommendations and case studies from the Year of Culture, and is a tool to inspire and spark new ideas in arts organisations and festivals that are looking to incorporate or develop youth voice and participation opportunities in their work. 


Not Just a Month

Next month, from 1st – 31st October, Black History will be celebrated across the country as part of the annual celebration of Black achievement, with a focus on the reclamation of narratives.

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Summer Holiday Activities

The summer holidays have officially started, and the kids are raring to go explore! Not sure where to go or where to find relevant information? Well read on!

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