P.L.A.Y Day Research Workshop with LEEDS 2023

  • Date: 17th May 2023
  • Time: 12.30pm – 4pm
  • Location: The WOW Barn, The Cinder Moor, Woodhouse Moor, Leeds, LS6 1SJ
  • FREE

Explore possible research collaborations focussing on opportunities for children and young people to engage with culture beyond LEEDS 2023.


An event to explore possible research collaborations focussing on opportunities for children and young people to engage with culture beyond LEEDS 2023 Year of Culture. This event is part of the P.L.A.Y project (Participation, Learning and Arts for Youth).

Open to:

All academics interested in how culture and creative education can support children and young people in the city to thrive (including but not limited to arts, education, creative industries, wider humanities, health, business, social policy, religion, law, innovation, tech, politics, food, engineering, earth and environmental sciences).

About the event:

LEEDS 2023 is a landmark year of culture. Across the year, the city is bursting into life, fuelled by creativity and the aim of opening more opportunities for more people.

The University of Leeds, Leeds Cultural Education Partnership, Leeds Learning Alliance and Leeds City Council have partnered with LEEDS 2023 to enable opportunities for children and young people throughout the year of culture through a city-wide project called P.L.A.Y (Participation, Learning and Arts for Youth).

On 17th May the P.L.A.Y partners are hosting an event bringing academics from across the University of Leeds and people working in the education and cultural sector together, to explore opportunities for collaborative research beyond the year of culture. In particular, we are keen to explore opportunities for research on the following topics:

  1. Creative learning in formal education settings
  2. Creative skills and inclusive growth
  3. Child-friendly cities

The event will include an introduction to the LEEDS 2023 programme and evaluation framework by LEEDS 2023, an opportunity to foster new research partnerships with both fellow UoL colleagues and external partners working in culture and education, and signposting to relevant funding opportunities that might relate to this work and its relevance to regional priorities.

The event also offers a chance to experience LEEDS 2023’s WOW Barn, a temporary barn on Cinder Moor that will be built by 300 women and non-binary people from across West Yorkshire, in collaboration with W.O.W (Women of the World) festival.

More about P.L.A.Y:

Supported by a £788,000 investment as part of the Arts Council England Place Partnership Fund, P.L.A.Y (Participation, Learning and Arts for Youth) is providing opportunities for children and young people to participate in LEEDS 2023 through creative learning, skill development and participatory activities.

LEEDS 2023 and P.L.A.Y represents a unique investment in culture in the city and will result in a step-change in the opportunities for children and young people to participate. A series of engagement programmes has been developed and is being delivered across 2023 by LEEDS 2023. Committed to the legacy of LEEDS 2023, the P.L.A.Y partners are collaborating to ensure the lasting impact of the year of culture.

Critical to this approach is collaboration between academics and the cultural and education sector to ensure the creation and sharing of knowledge to support strategy and delivery at regional and national level beyond the year 2023.


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