This month, we wanted to bring your attention to Artsmark Celebration Week, which will be happening from 11th – 15th November 2024. But what is Artsmark?
Artsmark is an organisation which empowers teachers with the skills they need to embed arts, culture and creativity across the whole curriculum through CPD training from their partner, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Participating schools are recognised through the programme for their commitment to creativity with the Artsmark Award – the only award for arts and cultural provision in England, accredited by Arts Council England.
In Leeds, 18% of schools are working towards Artsmark, with 5% currently offering an arts award. Facts and figures can only take you so far, so we interviewed Angus Smith, Assistant Headteacher from Cockburn School in Leeds to find out what Artsmark offers from a firsthand perspective:
Leeds33 (L33): Why did Cockburn School start their Artsmark journey and what impact has it made?
Angus Smith (AS): Cockburn School was designated “Specialist Status in the Performing Arts” in 2005. Since then, the arts have played a pivotal role in the school’s growth and achievements. In February 2022 we were judged to be Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted and the school is now a National Support School at the heart of the growing Cockburn Multi-academy Trust serving schools in south Leeds. Our vision is to create opportunities within and beyond the curriculum to enable each student to become confident, independent, and successful learners. We drive to widen the aspirations of all students and to help them reach destinations that are ambitious and fulfilling. We moved from Artsmark Gold to Platinum status in November 2019 and are currently awaiting news of our statement of commitment and hope to continue to be Platinum. The ethos is that if students work like professionals, the school will work in a professional way and help them to create professional work. Many of their arts staff have previously worked or still work in the arts industry. Each area of the arts team has a brief to give students the opportunity to work at local, regional and national levels.
The impact of the arts at Cockburn School spans all aspects of the lives of everyone in the school community. Attendance, exam results, cultural capital, SMSC and Fundamental British Values are all enhanced by being arts rich. Every student in the school has weekly lessons in Art, Drama, Dance and Music across Key Stage 3. Every student across Key Stage 4 takes a qualification in a creative subject.
It has played a major part in transforming the school from one of the least successful to one of the most successful in the country. It has since begun to spread to other schools in south Leeds and further afield.
L33: What benefit does it give to schools to take part in Artsmark?
AS: Artsmark gives us a framework for validation and also to guide self-evaluation and future planning. It also gives students and staff a great sense of pride and achievement with it being accredited by Arts Council England.
Darren Henley, Chief Executive of Arts Council England, said:
“I would like to congratulate Cockburn School on their Artsmark Award. As an Artsmark Platinum school, Cockburn School exemplifies how the Award can help schools to achieve a broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring that each of its pupils is given the opportunity to explore and build a love of the arts that will remain with them as they go through adult life.” (Nov 2019)
Ofsted “Outstanding in all areas” said:
“The high aspiration for pupils is very well understood and shared by all staff. Central to this purpose is the idea that Cockburn School must inspire its pupils. Leaders meet this aim through the design and delivery of a broad, rich curriculum. Pupils’ creativity is nurtured and developed through an arts curriculum that is rare in its scope and ambition.” (Feb 2022)
Rob Dixon, Head of School at Cockburn School said:
“The Platinum Artsmark attests that arts and cultural provision is flourishing in the school, and there are so many more creative prospects lined up for the coming academic year and beyond. I am extremely proud of the professional work that our students and staff create. The process was incredibly rigorous and we are thrilled with their decision as we know just how creative and talented the young people here are.”
This validation supports teacher recruitment and retention – Cockburn School is also the Lead School for Leeds SCITT for Dance, Drama and Music and trains teachers – many of whom have stayed teaching within the Trust.
L33: What advice would you give to schools thinking about starting their Artsmark journey? Why should they get involved?
AS: Why would you not? Artsmark will help to create a creative curriculum and school life or it will validate and extend the work being done already. It will help the school community celebrate being creative.
Thank you Angus for giving us an insight into Cockburn School’s Artsmark journey and its impact on your school!
Are you a cultural organisation that wants to get involved? The Artsmark Partnership Programme is an Arts Council England endorsed network of arts and cultural organisations and creative practitioners that understand the Artsmark criteria and can support schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey. To find out more, click here!

Images courtesy of Cockburn School.
Top to bottom: GSCE Drama students, cast members from Mary Poppins Jnr Dec 2023, members of the Cockburn Choir, GCSE Dance students.