How We Incorporated Youth Voice into Our Rebrand

Our rebranding journey first started in the summer of last year, when we first started working with Buttercrumble (a local design studio) to rebrand LeedsCEP.

Our rebranding journey first started in the summer of last year, when we first started working with Buttercrumble (a local design studio) to rebrand LeedsCEP. Something that was really key for us was making sure that we had local young people part of this process, being part of the initial mind mapping session that look place in July. We held an open call for young people to join us in a workshop with Buttercrumble in July. We had 6 young people join us.

The workshop was structured around the key question: what comes to mind when you think about culture in Leeds? From this, key words, ideas, and feelings were drawn which were grouped into similar themes. The young people spoke about the importance of place and Leeds still having a part in the new name of the partnership, as well as how arts and culture in the city is for everyone across Leeds. Another strong theme to come from discussions was how Leeds is a city that nurtures creativity and culture. This then led to the idea of nature, supporting the creative growth of young people and the vibrancy that Leeds has as a diverse cultural city.

This workshop provided the foundation for a new rebrand which was also done in consultation with the LeedsCEP Steering Group, leading us to the new name of Leeds33.

The new design was inspired by the power of fractals from nature . Culture and creative partnerships in the city branch out, generating new development pathways, to enrich the local communities of Leeds. The logo design depicts the 33 wards of the city through a geometric map that is connected and growing from one and another – making it clear that cultural education and experiences are for all young people in Leeds. The map is formed through connecting triangles as the 3 sides represent culture, education and partnership, with the colour palette inspired by the vibrancy of nature, as well as to represent the diversity within the city.

The first look at the rebrand was shared at our Cultural Education Conference in December 2023 with work currently being undertaken for a new rebranded website. We hope you love the new rebrand as much as we do. Watch this space for the future of Leeds33!


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