End of Academic Year Round-up

As we reach the end of another academic year, the Leeds33 team have taken time to reflect on the key achievements of the partnership over the past year.

As we reach the end of another academic year, the Leeds33 team have taken time to reflect on the key achievements of the partnership over the past year 

Our most exciting update is that our application to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) has been successfully approved by the Charity Commission. This news sets us on an exciting path to a more sustainable future, to continue to work for children and young people’s access to arts and culture in the city – a big thank you to all our partners who have supported us in making this a reality.  

Becoming a CIO means that we are now recruiting for a Board of Trustees, as well as an Advisory Board. More information about how to get involved and deadlines can be found here. 

Our communications have been revamped, with a new website launched in spring of this year following our rebrand at the end of 2023. This has enables Leeds33 to build brand recognition and provided an online space to share resources and news with our members. We have also launched a LinkedIn, and (most recently) an Instagram account. Please do follow us across platforms to stay up to date! 

This year has seen us partner with the University of Leeds and Open Innovations on the research project ‘Mapping Creative Arts Education: access, inclusion, and progression in Leeds’. Data from the school survey is accessible on the website, which is updated regularly as work is completed. We are currently supporting the development of case studies of arts-rich provision in eight schools across Leeds. These case studies will be shared in autumn 2024. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date about their release. 

It has been a whirlwind 2024 so far and we are looking forward to what the future holds for Leeds33.  

A huge thank you to our partners and members for their support, with particular thanks to Leeds City Council. We wish everyone a happy and restful summer break, and we look forward to gearing back up in the autumn.  


Not Just a Month

Next month, from 1st – 31st October, Black History will be celebrated across the country as part of the annual celebration of Black achievement, with a focus on the reclamation of narratives.

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Summer Holiday Activities

The summer holidays have officially started, and the kids are raring to go explore! Not sure where to go or where to find relevant information? Well read on!

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