Leeds33 Seeking Trustees and Advisory Board Members

Join us by becoming a Trustee of Leeds33 or being part of our Advisory Board! Deadline for applications: 16th September 2024 at 9am.

Leeds33 are looking for people with expertise across sector, who are passionate about cultural education, collaboration, and the creative growth of young people in Leeds to support the work we do! We are looking for people to join our Board of Trustees, and for people to become an Advisory Board Member.

These are two separate roles, with different responsibilities and commitments to the organisation. The deadline for both opportunities is Monday 16th September 2024 at 9am.


Joining the Board of Trustees

We are seeking up to 5 new Trustees to be part of our organisation to help shape our future and enable the best possible cultural offer for children and young people in our city. We are looking for individuals who can offer professional experience in any of the following areas:

  • HR
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Fundraising
  • Comms and Marketing 
  • Charity Law 

This will be an opportunity to support our strategic planning, consolidate leadership skills and expand networks whilst supporting the future of children and young people’s access to arts and culture in Leeds. 

Click here for the full application pack on applying to join the Board of Trustees.


Joining the Advisory Board

Leeds33 are looking for colleagues working within the cultural, education and community sectors, as well as commercial/ creative industries and local government to be part of our Advisory Board. We are looking for people who are passionate about cultural education, collaboration, and the creative growth of young people in Leeds.

We are seeking up to 12 new Advisory Board members to be part of our organisation to help shape our future and enable the best possible cultural offer for children and young people in our city.

This is a chance to influence the cultural learning offer in the city, to make sure it is strategic, joined-up and responsive to opportunity and to work in partnership with colleagues across sectors. 

We aspire to have broad representation and include at least one Primary, Secondary, FE and HE representative from the education sector.

Click here for the full application pack on applying to join the Advisory Board.


How to Apply 

Please send a CV and a covering letter explaining why you are interested in becoming either a Trustee or an Advisory Board member and outline how your skills and experience meet the profile outlined in the application pack. If you prefer to send us an audio recording or a video application of up to 4 minutes, please do so via WeTransfer.  

Please email your application to hello@leeds33.com with the subject: Leeds33 Trustee Application or Leeds33 Advisory Board Member Application dependent on the opportunity you are applying for.

The deadline for applications is Monday 16th September 2024 at 9am.



If you have any questions, or any access requirements in order to apply to one of these opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact the team at hello@leeds33.com where we will get in touch to help.

If you would like to have an informal chat with our Chair of Trustees, Dr Briony Thomas, about the role of being a Trustee or being part of our Advisory Board, please get in touch via hello@leeds33.com.


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