Leeds33 Seeking Trustees and Advisory Board Members

Join us by becoming a Trustee of Leeds33 or being part of our Advisory Board! Deadline for applications: 16th September 2024 at 9am.
End of Academic Year Round-up

As we reach the end of another academic year, the Leeds33 team have taken time to reflect on the key achievements of the partnership over the past year.
Mapping Creative Arts Education: access, inclusion, and progression in Leeds – a research project with the University of Leeds

Mapping Creative Arts Education: access, inclusion, and progression in Leeds is a collaborative research project funded by Research England and is led by the University of Leeds working in partnership with Leeds33, Leeds City Council, and Open Innovations.
Leeds33 Youth Voice Manifesto

Written by Niamh Byrne, Leeds33 Youth Voice Pod Lead and In Harmony Manager at Opera North.
Cultural Education Conference 2023

In partnership with Leeds33, LEEDS 2023 brought together the cultural and educational sectors of Leeds to share best practices on arts and cultural education in December 2023. Sessions focussed on partnership working, accessible cultural learning, the importance of youth voice and the development of our young people’s skills. Created by Nifty Fox Creative, these illustrations […]
LEEDS 2023: Youth Voice Toolkit

As part of the LEEDS 2023 Year in Culture, the Youth Development programme engaged young people aged 8 – 30 years old through a range of ambitious youth voice and skills development offers. From podcasting and journalism to co-designing festival activities, the programme offered opportunities to try new things, develop new skills and shape creative […]